CIRCUIAR 58-/53/2 PROVISIONAL ACCEPTABLE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE 4ERoPLANEQBmIWANCE Part I, paragraph 11 - Aeroplane Flight Hnnualu page 26 1 INSHIT a new sub-paragraph llr2.3 ips, TpUows 11.2,. 1 Information should be provided On take-off aliaglsnt distances 1,s. ditanees lost in aligning tho' aircraft with the centre of the runway prior. to esmmencing We-off for typical cses of runway/twiway configuration wing a repeatable technique which should be stated in the Flight Muul.tJ 2 RENUMBER existing sub-paragraphs 112.3,,, and as 11.2.4,,, and reapec tively. - 3 UWRC a new mb-paragragh 11.25 OUOUS "11.2.6 Two-enginom inoperative approaohea 11.2.5e 1. Information should be included, for aeroplanee having three or more engines, on approach and landing techniques together vfth recommended configurations and speeds for use with two-engines inoperative. These techniques should ensure that a controllrbili ty is adequate - to deal vi th changes of power hded for flight path control and for initiation of discontinued approach b any changes 6f configuration and/or speed bring approach aud landing are capable of consister execution by crews of average skill. NOTE The practice of one nat5oGl twity in ensuring - compliance with thie requirelasnt is to require that i The Final Stedy Approach Speed should be not less than - 'WCLD of para 5.6 determined in the approach configuration, 5 kt - 'MCLC of para 5.7 determined in the approach configuration, 5 kt - l.3V where Va is the stalling speed in tffe two-engines inoperative approach configuration.
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