Бандл: Doc 9157. Часть 4. Издание 5. Aerodrome Design Manual. Part 4. Visual Aids
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Proper design and installation of visual aids are prerequisites for the safety and regularity of civil aviation. Accordingly, this manual includes guidance on the characteristics of visual aids used at airports. The material included herein is closely associated with the specifications contained in Annex 14 — Aerodromes, Volume I — Aerodrome Design and Operations. Since the publication of the fourth edition in 2004, the guidance in this manual had been progressively updated in line with amendments to the Annex 14, Volume I, notably those of amendments 6, 10-A, 11-A, 13-A and 15. The main purpose of the manual is to assist States in the implementation of these specifications and thereby help to ensure their uniform application. This fifth edition incorporates changes and additions resulting from an overall review made by the Secretariat.

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