Бандл: Doc 10134. Издание 1. Manual on Civil Aviation Cabin Safety Inspectors
Языки: EN
Доступ на: 1 год
Цена: 15 363 руб
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A cabin safety inspector (CSI) is a qualified person authorized by the State to carry out safety oversight activities. The CSI serves as the primary resource, cabin safety discipline subject matter expert, and advisor to the civil aviation authority (CAA) in all cabin safety-related areas, including, but not limited to, passenger handling, cabin safety procedures, cabin crew member training programmes, and cabin crew duty and rest policies. The standardization of CSI qualifications, responsibilities, tasks, competencies and training further enhances the operational and training environment for cabin crew members while encouraging greater harmonization at the global level. This manual provides recommendations for the selection, appointment, training and role of a State’s dedicated CSI. It also establishes guidelines on the development of qualifications, responsibilities, tasks and competencies of CSIs, and on the implementation of CSI training programmes to guide CSIs in carrying out their duties. Qualified and competent CSIs enable the State to provide operators and training organizations with the highest possible national and international safety standards, enabling compliance with, and the consistent application of, regulations during aircraft operations and crew training.

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