Бандл: Doc 9760. Издание 4. Airworthiness Manual
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The Airworthiness Manual (Doc 9760) was first published in 2001 in two volumes and contained a consolidation of airworthiness-related information previously found in other ICAO documents. As a result, the first edition of the Airworthiness Manual replaced the following ICAO documents: the Airworthiness Technical Manual (Doc 9051), the Manual of Procedures for an Airworthiness Organization (Doc 9389) and the Continuing Airworthiness Manual (Doc 9642). The fourth edition includes additional and enhanced guidance delivered by the AIRP as part of the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) work programme for airworthiness. These include guidance on the approval of approved maintenance organization (AMO) to facilitate the harmonization and global recognition of AMO approvals. Also included is enhanced guidance on various States’ responsibilities when a type certificate is suspended or revoked, and new guidance on the type certification and production approvals of small aeroplanes using a risk-based approach. The AIRP has also provided enhanced guidance on the use, recognition and acceptance of electronic aircraft continuing airworthiness records including electronic maintenance records for aircraft in anticipation to changes in the SARPs involving these records. Although this manual provides guidance on the suggested content of various State airworthiness regulations, no attempt has been made to formulate specific regulations. A Contracting State should establish and implement a system that enables it to discharge satisfactorily its international obligations and responsibilities. It is recognized, however, that a number of States, particularly those which are still in the early stages of establishing an effective civil aviation organization, do require assistance in developing a framework of appropriate airworthiness regulations.

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