Бандл: Doc 10100. Издание 1. Manual on Space Weather Information in Support of International Air Navigation
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Цена: 5 326 руб
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This first edition of the Manual on Space Weather in Support of International Air Navigation (Doc 10100) is published in response to the introduction of provisions related to the dissemination of information on space weather to international air navigation as part of Amendment 78 to Annex 3 — Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation. As of this date, designated space weather centres (SWXC) will monitor and provide advisory information on space weather phenomena expected to affect high-frequency radio communications, communications via satellite, GNSS-based navigation and surveillance systems and/or pose a radiation risk to aircraft occupants. Annex 3 requires that SWXC maintain a 24-hour watch and, after the issuance of the advisory information, supply this information to area control centres, flight information centres and aerodrome meteorological offices which may be affected; as well as other SWXC, international OPMET databanks, international NOTAM offices and aeronautical fixed service Internet-based services. This manual aims to provide guidance for aeronautical meteorologists, particularly those at the operational level, as well as for operators, flight crew members, air traffic services units, search and rescue services units, airport management and others concerned with the conduct or development of international air navigation. It describes practices to be applied in the provision, reception and use of information on space weather phenomena affecting international air navigation. Chapter 1, the introduction, contains information on the space weather phenomena themselves, the hazards and mitigation aspects. Chapter 2 deals with space weather and aviation operations; it provides information on the different types of eruptive space weather disturbances which may have a direct impact on critical systems used in aviation. Chapter 3 addresses primarily the information required for safe and efficient aircraft operations provided to users for their decision-making processes. Chapter 4 provides guidance on the use of space weather advisory information which, in some events, may occur suddenly and need a fast response by flight crews and ANSPs due to the insidious impacts of space weather events on systems and associated high radiation levels. Finally, Appendices A and B contain categories of space weather phenomena and background information about the phenomena.

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