Бандл: Doc 8126. Издание 7. Aeronautical Information Services Manual
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The continuous growth of aviation has increased the demands on airspace capacity and efficiency in the services provisions, therefore emphasizing the need for greater equity in airspace access, improved access to timely and meaningful information for decision support and more autonomy in decision making.

An important step toward this goal and toward an integrated, responsive global air traffic management (ATM) system, relies on the migration of paper-based, product-centred aeronautical information services (AIS) to data-centric and digital aeronautical information management (AIM). To facilitate this transition, Annex 15 — Aeronautical Information Services provisions were restructured and amended to clarify the scope, role, main functions, products and services of AIM and the associated update mechanisms.

This manual has been revised to provide guidance for the successful implementation of AIM. It explains the provisions contained in Annex 15 and PANS-AIM, provides background information on certain specifications, helps illustrate their meaning and exemplifies means by which these specifications can be met.

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