Бандл: Doc 9691. Издание 3. Manual on Volcanic Ash, Radioactive Material and Toxic Chemical Clouds
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Since the aircraft incidents involving volcanic ash described above, which prompted the development of the IAVW, aviation has been faced with two other newly recognized hazards. These concerned radioactive materials and toxic chemicals discharged into the atmosphere following industrial accidents. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, in which a cloud of radioactive debris spread across international borders, caused difficulties for aircraft operations in neighbouring States and drew attention to the potential risk for aircraft en-route to destinations which lay in the path of such a cloud. Similar accidents have occurred at industrial chemical plants and during the transport of toxic chemicals which so far have caused only local operational problems, but which also have the potential to affect international aircraft operations. The Air Navigation Commission considered that, given the operational similarities in the provision of warnings to aircraft for radioactive materials and toxic chemicals on the one hand and for volcanic ash on the other, it would be expedient for the VAWSG to advise the Secretariat on the development of the necessary international arrangements and procedures for warning aircraft in flight of radioactive materials and toxic chemicals accidentally discharged into the atmosphere. Accidents at nuclear or chemical facilities, in which hazardous materials are discharged into the atmosphere, present a danger to the general public, including those travelling by air, and are already the subject of detailed emergency procedures in States concerned, and regular international tests of the procedures are made. It is not the purpose of ICAO, therefore, to develop separate procedures for aviation, but to ensure that due account is taken of the special needs of international civil aviation, especially aircraft in flight, in the relevant Annexes to the Convention and in international arrangements developed to deal with such emergencies. In addition to addressing the problem of volcanic ash, a secondary purpose of this manual, therefore, is to provide information concerning the requirements for the provision of warnings to aircraft of radioactive materials and toxic chemical clouds and guidance regarding how these requirements may be satisfied. There is little point in having such guidance material unless it is used in the relevant training courses for staff whose duties are involved in any way with the provision of operational information to aircrew, and in the training courses for the aircrew themselves. States are, therefore, requested not only to make this manual available to staff concerned, but also to ensure that relevant training courses adequately cover the subject matter contained therein.

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