Бандл: Doc 9817. Издание 1. Manual on Low-level Wind Shear
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Since 1967 the FAA has had a detailed programme directed towards reducing the hazard to aviation of low-level wind shear. Under this programme, action has been taken on the recommendations made by the above-mentioned Committee and also on recommendations made on occasion by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) following accident investigations. In this regard, the FAA developed an “Integrated Wind Shear Programme”, which involved close cooperation with a number of government agencies (e.g. the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), the aerospace industry, pilot associations and ICAO) and included a wind shear training aid that was published in February 1987. The programme’s objective was to further develop and refine over the next five to ten years education, training and operational procedures, surface-based and airborne wind shear detection technology and on-board flight guidance systems. In parallel, further explanation of the wind shear hazard was to be provided by continued scientific research. In 1987, with the assistance of the WISTSG, ICAO published Circular 186 on Wind Shear, the forerunner of this manual. At the time the circular on Wind Shear (Cir 186) was published in 1987, it was stated in the foreword that “the bulk of the information on wind shear, particularly the operational aspects, is still not sufficiently mature to be translated into regulatory provisions”. Subsequent amendments to the relevant Annexes and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) to take account of the requirement to provide information on wind shear to pilots, and the fact that the original circular has been replaced by this manual, attest to the increased maturity of this subject.

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