Бандл: Doc 9654. Издание 1. Manual on Prevention of Problematic Use of Substances in the Aviation Workplace
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Цена: 10 652 руб
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The global spread of psychoactive substances, their general availability and the ever-increasing number of addicted users are becoming a growing threat to aviation safety in many States. This document was developed to provide States with a tool for decision-makers to use when deciding on the best policy for their States and for State licensing authorities when planning national strategies; at the same time, airlines and other employers can use this document to implement, on a practical level, established policies and strategies in a cost-effective way, with due regard for both aviation safety and the welfare of their employees. The manual is organized into five chapters: introduction; education of the aviation workforce; identification, treatment and rehabilitation; employment consequences of problematic substance use; and biochemical test programmes.

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