Бандл: Doc 9871. Издание 2. Technical Provisions for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter
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The purpose of this manual is to specify technical provisions for the formats and associated protocols used in Mode S services and extended squitter. These detailed technical provisions supplement requirements contained in Annex 10 — Aeronautical Telecommunications, Volume III (Part I — Digital Data Communication Systems), and Volume IV — Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance Systems, and are necessary to ensure global interoperability.

The second edition of this manual introduces a new version of extended squitter formats and protocols (Version 2). The first edition of this manual specified earlier versions of extended squitter messages (versions 0 and 1). Version 2 formats and protocols were developed to enhance integrity and accuracy reporting. To support identified operational needs for the use of ADS-B not covered by Version 1, a number of additional parameters were included in Version 2. Additionally, several parameters were modified, and a number of parameters no longer required to support ADS-B applications were removed.

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