Бандл: Circular 249. Издание 1. Human Factors Digest No. 11 - Human Factors in CNS/ATM Systems
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This digest attempts to address the first of these issues utilizing experience gained from Human Factors knowledge. It presents the Human Factors implications of automation and dvanced technology in future aviation systems, including CNS/ATM systems. It also intends to provide the civil aviation authorities with tools for establishing the requirements for the new systems and for reviewing proposals from manufacturers, from the perspective of Human Factors. The digest will also be useful for the ICAO panels and study groups working on the ICAO CNS/ATM concept to ensure that Human Factors principles are adequately considered during the development of automation and advanced technology in future systems. This digest will be followed by other digests addressing the remaining areas of CNS/ATM Human Factors concerns as enumerated above, as well as others which may emerge.

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