Бандл: Doc 8335. Издание 6. Manual of Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Continued Surveillance
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The sixth edition of this manual has been prepared with the objective of providing States and operators with detailed guidance concerning the establishment and maintenance of safe, regular and efficient international commercial air transport operations in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention, Doc 7300) and its associated Annexes. Previously, primary emphasis was placed on the procedures for the certification of commercial air transport operators by the State of the Operator and the continued safety oversight of the operator. The fifth edition, while continuing to place emphasis on the air operator certificate (AOC) and safety oversight, provided more detailed guidance on these aspects, introduced relevant aspects of the lease, charter and interchange of aircraft and the surveillance by States of foreign operators. The primary emphasis of this new edition is to provide further details and clarifications related to safety management, qualifications of the inspectors, surveillance programmes and Article 83 bis agreement summary. 

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