Бандл: Circular 353. Издание 1. Transition Planning for Change to Instrument Flight Procedure Approach Chart Identification from RNAV to RNP
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The advent of performance-based navigation (PBN) is having a major impact on all aspects of the aviation industry and associated professionals involved in PBN planning, implementation and execution. As part of a continuing effort to streamline inconsistencies resulting from the emergence of PBN, changes to the identification of instrument flight procedure approach charts from RNAV to RNP were introduced. The procedure approach chart identification will now align with the designation of the navigation specification. This document provides guidance for the development of transition plans to support the change in the procedure approach chart identification. This document replaces Circular 336 AN/195, Area Navigation (RNAV) to Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Instrument Approach Chart Depiction, which has been withdrawn (refer to ICAO Electronic Bulletin 2017/05 dated 6 January 2017). This document does not specify new due dates for implementation of the instrument approach procedure charting change. Such dates will be communicated to States via the ICAO PBN Programme Office in synchronization with the ICAO regional offices after full consultation with States and regions.

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