Бандл: Circular 351. Издание 1. Community Engagement for Aviation Environmental Management
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Цена: 4 712 руб
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This circular provides an overview of current and recent practices in the work of aviation stakeholders in engaging both with communities near airports and with the wider community. The target audience for the circular includes States and aviation stakeholders such as airport operators, air navigation service providers, aircraft operators, environmental agencies and other government bodies, and other interested parties. The circular is not intended to be the basis for regulatory action. It describes the case studies that were submitted and summarizes some of the lessons learned and good practices. This circular was developed by the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP), and was based on responses to a survey questionnaire. Most of the case studies were submitted by airport operators, although in almost every case many other aviation stakeholders were also involved. Most of the engagement directly addressed community concerns about environmental matters, especially noise near airports.

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