Бандл: Doc 9303. Часть 10. Издание 8. Machine Readable Travel Documents. Part 10. Logical Data Structure (LDS) for Storage of Biometrics and Other Data in the Contactless Integrated Circuit (IC)
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Part 10 of Doc 9303 defines the Logical Data Structure (LDS) for eMRTDs required for global interoperability and defines the specifications for the organization of data on the contactless IC (Integrated Circuit). This requires the identification of all mandatory and optional Data Elements and a prescriptive ordering and/or grouping of Data Elements that MUST be followed to achieve global interoperability for electronic reading of the electronic passport. Doc 9303-10 provides specifications to enable States and integrators to implement a contactless IC into an electronic travel document. This part defines all mandatory and optional data elements, file structures, and application profiles for the contactless IC. The Eighth Edition of Doc 9303 incorporates the specifications for the optional Travel Records, Visa Records, and Additional Biometrics applications (known as LDS2 applications) as an extension of the mandatory eMRTD application (known as LDS1)

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