Бандл: Doc 9839. Издание 1. Manual on the Quality Management System for Aeronautical Information Services
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The guidance material contained in this manual has been developed to assist States in the planning and implementation of quality management system (QMS) for aeronautical information services (AIS) to fulfil the requirement in Annex 15 ― Aeronautical Information Services for States to introduce QMS. This manual contains key elements to provide States with an understanding of the requirements for QMS. Its purpose is to support States in implementing and maintaining a QMS encompassing all functions of an AIS organization. The objective is to provide the next intended users with the necessary assurance that the distributed aeronautical data and aeronautical information satisfy the predefined data quality requirements, which are contained in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aeronautical Information Management (PANS-AIM, Doc 10066).

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