Annex 11. Edition 4
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Check-List of Amendments to Annex 1 1 Fourth Edition incorporating Amendments 1 to 9. Amendment 10 adopted and approved, respectively, by the Council on 2 December 1960. Amendment 11 approved by the Council on 26 June 1961. Amendment 12 approved by the Council on 15 December 1961. Amendment 13 adopted by the Council on 13 April 1962. Replacement pages 5, 6 and 16. Effective Date 1 /5 I60 1 /4/61 - - Date of Applicability 1 /a160 1/7/61 26/6/61 15/12/61 See Foreword
AMENDMENT 13 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES Annex 11 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation i Insert the following replacement pages in Annex 11 Fourth Edition to incorporate Amendment 13 which became applicable on 1 November 1962 a Pages 5 and 6 - Foreword b Page 16 - Chapter 5. 2. Record entry of Amendment on page 2.
Historical background Annex 11. This Amendment deleted the - guidance material contained in Attach- In October 1945, the Rules of the lnellt B after it had hen and Air and Air Traffic RAC transferred to the AIS Manual Doc Iivisiol at its first sessiol made rccotli- 8126-AN/872. nendations for Standards, Practices and Procedures for Air Traffic Control. . Third Edition. - The third edition . . . . -. .-.- - Tllese were reviewed by the then Air Navigation Committee and approved by the Council on 25 February 1946. They were published as "Recommendations for Standards, Practices and Procedures - Air Trafic Control" in the second part of Doc 2010-RAC/104, published in Feb- ruarv 1946. The RAC Division, at its second ses- sion in December 1946 - January 1947, reviewed Doc 2010-RAC/104 and pro- posed Standards and Recommended Practices for Air Tranic Control. It did not aplear possible, however, to finalize tllose Standards prior to basic principles being established by the RAC Divisiol ior the orgtlization of the relevant ser- vices. These were established by the RAC Division at its third session in April- Slay 1948 and a draft Annex was there- after submitted to States. This was adoltetl by the Colllcil 011 18 May 1950, ptlrsuaut to Article 37 of the Convell- ti011 on Internatiolal Civil Aviatio Chicago, 1944 and designated as An- nex 11 to the Convention with the title "International Standards and Recom- melded Practices - Air Trafic Services". It became effective on 1 October 1950. This new title -Air Trafic Services - was preferred to the title Air Trafic Control, in order to make it clear that air traflic control service was a part of the services covered by Annex 11, to- gether with flight information service RII alertig service. The fourth session of the RAC Divi- sion made a review of the Annex in November-December 1950. As a result of its recommendations, Amendments 1 to 6 inclusive to Annex 11 were adopted by the Council on 27 November 1951, became effective on 1 April 1952 and became applicable on 1 September 1952. To ensure conformity with certain rovisions of Annex 15 - Aeronoufical lrforrnation Services, the Council on 22 February 1956 approved Amendment 7 to Annex 11. This amendment related solely to the guidance material in At- tachment B. However, on 26 June 1961, the Council approved Amendment 11 to incorporated provisions arising from the recommendations of the Second Air Navigation Conference Montreal, August-September 1955 which resulted in Amendment 8 being adopted by the Council on 11 May 1956. This became effective on 15 September 1956 and applicable on 1 December 1956. Fourth Edition.-The present edition incorporates provisions arising from the recommendations of the Rules of the Air, Air Traflic Services and Search and Rescue Divisions Moatreal, October- November 1958 which resulted in Amendmeit 9 being adopted by the Council on 8 December 1959. This be- came effective ot 1 May 1960 and ap- plicable on 1 August 1960. Amendment 10 was adopted by the Coullcil on 2 December 1960, became effective on 1 April 1961 and applicable on 1 July 1961. It incorporates provisions arising from the work of the Panel for Coordinating Procedures Respecting the Suplly of Information for Air Opera- tions Montreal, May- June 1959. Amendment 11 see .last sentence of paragraph 5. inlcldment 12 was approvet1 by the Coullcil 011 15 lrcenber 1961. This ilnelldtlert illcorlorated ill Attachlnelt D guirlauce raterial regarding the selection of desiglrators for routes within con- trolled airspace. Silcc the anleldnlet relatetl ollly to guidance nstterial, 110 fornlaI tloltion was cecessary arrl no consideratios of dates of effectiveness ultl a1lIicability were involved. Aniednet 13 was adopted by the Council on 13 April 1962, became effec- tive 011 1 August 1962 and applicable 011 1 November 1962. It incorlborates changes to the provisions in Chapter 5 -Alerting St-rzicr. The Standards and Recommended Practices in this document, together with the Standards in Annex 2, govern the application of the "Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services" and the "Re- gional Supplementary Procedures - Rules of the Air and Air Trafiic Services". ill which latter docunlellt will LC for11111 subsitliary rocedrrcs of reginllnl 111li- catioll. AIIIIX I I pertais to the establisllnlert of airspace, units and services necessary to promote a safe, orderly and ex- peditious flow of air traffic. A clear distinction is made between air traffic control service, flight irrforrnatiol service a11d alerting service. Its purpose, to- getller with Annex 2, is to ensure that flying on international air roates is car- ried out under uniform conditiols de- signed to improve the safety and efli- ciency of air operations. The Standards and Recommended Practices in Annex 11 apply in those parts of the airspace under the juris- diction of a Contractilg State whereill Air Traffic Services are provided and also wherever a Contracting State ac- cepts the responsibility of providing Air Traffic Services over the high seas or ill airspace of undetermined sovereignty. A Contracting State accepting such re- sponsibility may apply the Standards and Recommended Practices in a rnalner consistent with that adopted for air- rpace under its jurisdiction. Action by Contracting States Notification of difrrc.11 'rile attcll- ti011 of Contracting States is draw11 to the obligation irnlosetl by Article 38 of the Convention, referred to in the Cou- cil's liesolution of Adoption of this All- nex, by which Crtracting States arc required to lotlfy the Orgaiiratior h- fore 1 September 1962 of any difference that will exist on 1 Novemter 1962 he- tween their uatioal regulations ant1 practices ad the International Stalldartls cotaied in this Annex as now meitletl. Contracting States are invited to extent1 such otification to any tlifferences from the Recomnendetl I'racticcs cortailrtL iri this Annex, when the totificatio of sucl differelce is inlortant for tle pafcty of air avigation, iilrd, further, to keep tlc Organizatio currently infornled of any differences which rnay subseclieutly occur, or of the withdrawal of ally differelcr ,reviously iotifiecl. Use of the text of the Awaen it national regulations The Council, on 13 April 1948, adopted a resolution in- viting the attention of Contracting States to the desirability of using ill their own natioal regulations, as far as practi- cable, the precise language of tlose lCAO
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