Annex 2. Edition 2
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Please insert the following Supplement at the end of your copy of Annex Z - Rules of the Air - Second Edition SUPPLEMENT TO ANNEX 2 Rules of the Air Differences between the national r e g ula ti on s and practices of States and the corresponding International Standards contained in Annex 2 as notified to ICAO in accordance with Article 38 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Contracting States from which no information whatsoever concerning differences from Annex 2 has beenreceived Afghanistan, Bollvia, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Nicaragua, Peru, Poland, Turkey, Union of South Africa, Venezuela. - Contracting States from which no information concerning differences from Amendment No. 2 to Annex 2 has been received. Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Ceylon, Chile, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, Finland, Greece, Indonesia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Paraguay, Pakistan, Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand. -- Published by authority of the Council INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION
Page 2 . .. Supp1erner.t to Anc.ex 2, Secend Edjtior, - Rules of the Air RECORD OF AMENDMENTS
Supplement to Annex 2 Pity 1953 Amendment No, 2 1 Soptornber 1954 INlERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION OKGAMI'UTION AMErnbIENT NO, 2 to the SUPPUEMENT TO ANNEX- 2, Second Edition Rules of the Air Paes 1, 2, 3 and kt Replace by the attached new pages. - Pae 17 Under Canada, after the text concerni ng Chapter 4, insert It is the Canadian procedure to clear aircraft to the desti- nation airport and since it is possible that the assigned altitude my be below the minimum en-route IFR altitude for a subsequent portion of the Plight which may be in another control area, the Canadian regulation is such that in the event of a radio failure, the pilot will maintain the assigned altitude or the minimum en-route IFR altitudep whichever is the higher. The appropriate Canadian regulation reads 'Proceed in accordance with the flight plan as mended by clearances and instructions received and acknowledged maintaining the minimum en-route IFH altitude or the acknowledged-assigned altitude, whichever is the higher, to the airport of i ntended landing, Pane Ut Following the differences notified by Sweden, insert "SYRXrr, 2,2 Note 2 All aircrafi operated at night shall be flown in accordance with nstrumeni Flight ules. ONightf is to be. considered the period between sunset and sunrise, Except in eases of absolute necehsity, aircraft shall not fly over a town, Inhabited space or a place of gathering such as sea baths race corlrse, sport grounds, etc., except at such Iteight as would albays enable it to land outside the popu- lbted area or at a public airport even though the engines cease to operate. This height shall not 1x3 less than 500 metres in the ease of mu1ti-engined afrcraft and not .ltss than 700 metres in the ease of single-engined aircraft,
wSYFUA -- cont. A .I Disrepar,l all astepishs in the table, and the appropriate efereneus to the etster.i.sks ." Rape 1'4 Under United States, alter the text concerning 5.1.2, insert - "5 . .5.2 2 The r"ollowlng prrjvision is applicable for operations within the United States and its territories2 Seatiori 60 a -Radio failure. If unable to maintain two-uay radio communications, the pilot-in-command of the aircraft shall b Proceed decording to the latest air traffic clearance to the radlo ,F"aciLity serving the airport of intended landing, alntaining the minimum safe altitude or the last acknowledged assigned altitude whichever is the higher . . . . . m Index Table - Insen qw a in coltmi "2.2 Note Zw against Syria b in colwnn n3.1.2 a" against Syria c in cclumn a5a95.2m against Canada and United States p, d in column "4 .lW against Syria. - EM -
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