Annex 15. Издание 1
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AMENDMENT 4 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES Annex 15 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1. Record entry of the Amendment inside front cover 2. Page 3 - Table of Contents, insert "ATTACHMENT G. - Explanatory notes on the application of the definitions of Danger Area, Prohibited Area, and Restricted Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39" 3. Replace pages 5, 6, 9 and 10 by the attached amended pages. 4. Insert the attached new page 39.
pillictio isstccl 01- nrilh III III- tlorily oT a Slate and coraining icronilrt- Notc.-Sec Attacirtrtcnt for Ex- tical irlformltion of 1lsting chnrlcter . plurtatary ltotcs on the application oj this ricfirtifion. essential ro nil- nviparion. Korlc S'RNCA. i\ roule or portion oT a Dnlzgcr arw. A spcciliccl al-ul \\.il hin or rollli. 11suill,r flown \\'illoul an inlcr- over which ihcre nla. esisr lclivilics mediiite slop. constiluling a potentiill clngrr ro ail-CI-aft flying ojrer it.. Note.-See Attnchtncrzt G fov ex- pbnatory lzotcs on tkc applicatiou of this definition. IrlcrizLirnl nirporl. Any lirpo1.L iles- igrla led by thc Contrctiri State io \vliose terrilory it is sitlilrerl LLS III airport or entry and tlcpa-tul.e Tor international nir traffic, where thc ionnalities incidcni 10 cllstoms, ilnlnigrition, pblir . bcalrh, i-igricltzral qillrntine anti similar pro- cedures are clrrietl ollt. 'l'bcc Saltlarcls intl Recolnllierldetl ill.. rititcs . . ilrc ilpIiiIjIc 011 lnd III- I \pril 1954, 10 the colleclion and dis- sclninilrion of ieronailrictl irliol.rnliol Tor intcvnarirnal civil aviitrioll. Irztcrroticrzal NOTAAI LIDcc. 11n ofice Ilch Coltr.clin Stale shall provide designccl bj a Sltc Tor the cxchange of 311 acrorliticl iil'or-ntiiioli service. NO'.AMS inernat.ionally. A1oLc.-Slic11 sthrzlii-r, rttny 00 prazlidvd jo,iilly by lzelo or r/orcl Slales or by thc diunelzrrilrg 'I'hat Part of 'dlc,n/ion ofar,l//ovity lo a I,,on-jiouc.ylrcr/tnl ael-oclromc to be used Tol- the talie-rlri ancl rrIcencv. landing of irclalt and lor the n1ovelnent of nircrnft, nssociaed \zrih talie-oR and landing. dlotlejnent nrca. 'That. pa1.t of it aero- drone intended for'the slrface movement ol aircraft. NOTAh1. 11 notice conttlining inforlli- tion concerning the estaOlishment, condi- tion or change in an aeroniitical t'aciliy, service, procedui-e or hazarcl, tllc tin1rly knowledge of which is essential to per- sonnel concerned with flight operitions. - Class I dislribution. Iistril tiun by means of telecontinicntion. - Clss II distrkbzckiort, Distributirrn by meansother than tcleconimlnication. prohibited avca. A pccified area within the land areas of a State or territorial waters adjacent therctn over which the flight of aircraft is .rohbiied. Note.-See Attachment G for ex- unutary notes on the application of this definition. 3.1.1 ,In .roniiticnl infnl-ma- tion scrvice shnll collect, collate, edit ilnd pllish leronalticnl inTc11-111ation con- eel-ning the territory Tor which it has beell marle responsilde I the Stiite, and illis shnll inclde h the origintion of NO'I'AMS. 3.1.2 r\n aertnatical inrormn- lion servicc shall, in ilrldition, oltilin in- fornlaiion to enable it LO prnvicli- pre-flight nnd ill-flight information scrvice a from the iieronnutical infornilliom services or other Stares anrl b from other stxlrces that may he available. Nnlc.-0.nc sxcl sorlrce is Lhe sibjict oj n provision 1'17 6.2.1. 3.1.3 An aeronautical inforrna- tion scrvice shall malcc nvailalle to the aerolliittical iforniition services of ollel- States any infornnuion necessary for thc saloty, rcgrlrrity or eficiency o air lvitic.n, ruquircd Ly them.. 3.1 .Q An aerunllical informa- lion servicc shill1 ensure that inf.rlnariun necessary Tor Ihc ilfty, rcgillilrity or efficiency oT air niivigation is availallu in I ornl slilallc for the operational rlircrcnts of 11 flihr t-iiiiis personnel ir1- clurling Righ crcws and the services responsible TOI- prc-flight informaioli rind b the scrviccs rcspunsible Eor in- Righl inTormirt ion. 3.2.1 Each Contracting Statr shall rake all reasonable mcasilres lo ensilrc 111iit the inhormarion it provitlcs rellting ro its own tc-ritot. is adeqlatc zrcl accLlratc. 3.2.2 .c-oriatical inl'orrnitiorl Ihlislctl fol. anrl on hchalT OC I Slate shall clcal-ly indiciile hat it is p1hlis1'1 11ntlur rhe aithority of that State. 3.2.,1 \urollaiiical iiformaiion otjairlrtl ilnder 3.1.2 a shall, when tlis- senlinaied, I,e clearl,. icleltiiied as havink the aulioriy of the Snte of 01-igin. 3.2.4 i\crvnallt icql irifornlaion obtnincd rlntier 3.1.2 b shall, if possible, be vcriliecl belore dissemination and if ncli verilied shall, when riisscminatcd, tie clearly identil-ied ns s11ch. 3.3.1 Each State shall dcsignatc he uffice,or oftices to \vhich Acronallticll Information 1'1lblicitti0lls ancl NOTAMS are to bc adtlrcsscrl. 3.3.2 \\'here a Srtc clcsignatcs lucsrc thir om Inie.tltioial 'NO1'Ah'I Ofice, it shill1 rlelinc lle extent of I-c- sponsiliIity ntI thc ttl-rito-y covered 11. each oflice. 3.3.3 In leroniit I ical inforlii- lion servicc shnll arrange, as necessarj., to satisfy opcl-atiolnl rcrluirements, for the issualicc anrl rcceipl of NOI'AMS dis- tributed by tcleconlmnnication. 14/11/68 No. 4
3.3.4 RECOMMENDATION.- Slates should uutlrorize direct collacl bczuce7c acronoutical iitjornration scrvices in ordcr to fnrir'late the exchange of aero- natticul z'ir fornznlion. gration and health clearances at inter- national airports. 6 Alti'neler setling procedures. C Air tl-iafic scrviccs schcne includ- ing tlcscription of b Detailed description of aerodromes available for use by international corn- nercial air transport for traffic, technical or cliversionary purposes. i flight information regions, con- trol areas and advisory areas includ- ing airwayy and ddvisory routes 3.3.5 RECOMENUATION, - Tha irilsrclrotgc of utronaaltical information shold be on u jree basis und ul least one copy ruth AcrunauLicul Itforinatiott Plblicutiott and amendnrrts thereto tlut hs becrt xcquzsted by att aexonalrtical in- furrirrlio7t seruica should be maole available ,tirhout charge. c Brier description of aeronautical beacons includin aerodrone beacons, hazard beacons, identification beacons and other light beacons designating a geographical position. ii controllcd acrodromes and con- trol zones. d Hulding, approach and deparlurc psoccdircs. t i\irsplcc r-cstrictions - lrohititccl, restricicci ant1 dal-gcr areas as specil-ictl in Appcnrlix 1. RECOMMENDATION, - A brig descrit,ioil of aerodrolrs likely to be used by international civil avktiol, should also Ire included. FACILITATION FAL. Entry and transit of civil aircraft on internatiollal flights. 3.4.i RECOMMENDATION.- .-lsroruarticul Inforirnlicn Piblications anal PI'Llil A4S lor intcrtlaiotlal distriblllion should include ac Englzsh text for those parts axfrrasstd in Plaiz luttguage. Note.--This list is ttot repired if a detailed description in accordunce with b is provded for all aerodromes. SEARCH AND RESCUE SA R . a Description of the areas of rc- sponsibility for search and rescue operations, the descr-iption of rescue coordination centres and location of rescue urits. 3.4.2 Place aiames shall be spelled in conlormity with local usage, transiiterated, when necessary, into the Latin alphabet. a Description of stations providing aeronautical mobile and/or aeronautical navigation services, and seiected public broadcasting stations. b Any speciai procedures to be em- pioyed by aircraft in distress, including signals to bc used in conmunications between rescue aircraft- and aircraft in distress. b Description of stations associated with special navigation systems LORAN, GEE, DECCA, erc.. 3.4.3 RECOMMKNDATION.-' D,inczsional ultits used irz tbe dissemiwtion of actonartical irformalion sho-uld be con- sz'stenl with th dxision takw by the Statu .in respect oJ tle use of the Tables contained in Annex 5 to thc Conuetttion. METEOROLOGY MET, A brief description of meteoroiogical services provided for irternationai aviation. 4.1.2 RECOMMENDATION.- Churls, nups or diagrunrs should be used, whca approprinte, to complernelrt the tabulations or lext of Aerona-crticu1 Informa- lion PrLlictliozs. RECOMMENDATION.- This shoztld include iVote.-An apoed list of abbrevatlons is i7t pxcparntion for ullinrala i-lrcluson in the Annex. In tic nacuntime a list of abbrcviatZvns is givers itt Attachmunt P. Note I,--Churls prodllced in conJorrnity with Annex 4-Aeronautical Charts, es- pecially Clwptzrs 6, 7, 9 and II may be usad to full tltis xequirenzent. b description of meaorological oficas Cllsrptcr 6.--Aeror1au tical Inl"orrrutior Publications c special respbrrsibilities of nwtaorolo- gical ofices Note 2.-When cr chid, mrp or diagram which prouides all thc informulion pre- scribad for olte subjct is incl24dcd ,in an Aeronautical Inforration Pztblication, Irn lisl w other dtscriptiorr is required. d description of mcteordog.icu1 brad- crists Jor aircrajt e list rf ncteorological stations for zuhich cliinutologicul salmmaries arc avail- able. 4.1.1 Aeronautical Informatiqn Pubiicatiuns shali contain information rciating to, and arranged under, the sub- ject eaunlerated herein 4.1.3 KECOMMENDATION.- Each volutna should conhin a sunzrnary of the follmuing infarmation a the urau of resonsibilitty for the tteronautcal infornzaliurr service Note I.-Delailed ,information suihbls for itcluding in Aronautical Inforwtion Publications is given in Atkrchmants d and B. AIR 'RAFPIC ULES AND SERVICES RRC. b the postal and elegrapkic addresses of the aerotautical information services and its major components Note 2.-The information my be con- solidatcd in one volume or uy be publishtd itr several voluntes. a Rules of the air and air trafhc services procedures. c details of rfublished lrerotuutical inforrrrilion and how it may bs obtaitled Note.--Thr reyciernemt is for pzblica- tion ir ir J'0rr1 thnf wozld eim1lc a user to difffrfzria/c rcrrlily between the require- rnenls o,f the Slrc ald bke appropriate ICAO Stifidavds 11711'2 Recotnrendcd Practicc.s and Procedtrcs. d a list of aorrldromes at which pre- jight ifornration is available arrd the GOUCfabE zone applicable to each i7lformu- on unit. AERODROMES AGA. a Brief description of types of traffic purrniited and customs, immi-
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