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FOR'EWORD - 1. The As. ,rnI l-y of ICAO has long recognized the interest in making available to States information on commercial and technical co-operation in air transport between States and between airlines and encourages Contracting States to provide ICAO with as much information as possible concerning the various different types of cooperative agreement and arrangement entered into by Contracting States and/or airlines and directs the Council from time to time to distribute this information, with or without comments, to Contracting States in an appropriate form cf. Resolution 16-32. In giving this directive the Assembly recognized that inform- ation on cooperative agreements and arrangements would be of value particularly to developing States, who have shown great interest in agreements and arrangements relating to joint operating organizations and pooled services dealt with under Chapter XVI of the Chicago Convention. 2. ICAO began disseminating material on co-operation to Contracting States as early as 1952 when it published the study oflExisting Forms of Commercial and Technical Cooperation between European Airlines in Regional Air Services" circular 28--114. In 1967 a "Summary of Material Collected on Cooperative Agreements and Arrangements" circular 84-/14 was prepared by the Secretariat and issued under the direction of the Council. In 1970 the Secretary General published for the information of Contracting States Circulars entitled "Treaty on Air Transport in Africa - Establishment of Air Afrique" Circular 98-/19, "Scandinavian Airlines System - Consortium Agreement and related Agreements" circular 99-AT/o, and "Report on the East African Airways Corporation" circular 100-121. 3. The present Circular contains the Agreement drawn up in 1969 between the Civil Aviation Authorities of Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Swit zer- land on governmental supervision of the airworthiness, the operati2n and the maintenance af the aeroolanes under technical co-operation between the airlines KLM, SAS and Swissair. /'
i i ICAO Circular 110-/28 4. This technical co-operation had its beginnings in 1958 when SAS and Swissair entered an agreement for such co-operation. Subsequently KLM became associated with these work-sharing arrangements. By 1970 the three airlines KLM, SAS and Swissair had concluded technical co-operation agreements by which, inter alia, these airlines agreed to standardize many features of the Boeing 747s they would be operating, agreed to joint use of a 747 flight simulator, agreed to pool air- craft and crews and distributed responsibilities among the carriers for mainte- nance and overhaul of the airframes and engines of their DC-8, DC-9 and EL747 aircraft. These agreements enabled the airlines to pool their buying power and to increase efficiency by the sharing of facilities. When these three airlines announced plans to purchase the McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30, theg were joined by the F'rench airline, UTA, and the consortiumbecame known as the XSSU Group. In 1971 the Group announced completion of a maintensnce agreement covering the DC-10-30 aircraft to be purchased by the four carriers. Airoreft of this type to be purchased by Air Afrique will also be covered by the agreement. 5. The management of the activities of the KSSU Group is hanueb by a four- member management committee, each of the four carriers appointing one member. This management committee has set up other specialized groups - each with one representative from each carrier - to carry out planning and coordination and also the financial, legal and operational activities of the Group. 6. The inter-airline agreements between KLE4, SAS, Swissai and UTA mentioned above are not available for publication, but the inter-goerIntd Agreement of 1969 between Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden arld Suitzeland has been provided to ICAO and is published by the Secretary General, dth the consent of the States concerned and the endorsement ofthe Air Transport Committee of the Council of ICAO, in the belief that it will constitute a uefU3 reference docu- ment for Contracting States. 1 7. 'The original text of this agreement is in English. It has been translated into F'rench and Spanish by ICAO. At the time of writing France is expected to enter into this agreement in the near future.
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